Register for the Amateur Competition
Registration Now Open! Click HERE
Registration Deadline: April 21, 2025, 11:59 PM​​
NOTE: Registration will close early if all plots are filled before the deadline date.
About the Amateur Competition
Competition Hours
One-Day Amateur Competition: Saturday, April 26, 2025.
Two-Day Open Competition: Friday & Saturday, April 25-26, 2025
Guppies & Youth: Saturday 9:00AM - Noon​
Teen & Adult: Saturday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Two Day Open Solo & Teams
Friday Noon - 5:30PM​
Saturday 8:30AM - 4:00PM
You will receive your packets and wristbands at check-in.
Early Check-In:
Friday, April 25, 10:00AM - 6:30PM at the Volunteer Tent (Located at the South entrance at SandFest)
Saturday, April 26, 7:30AM - 8:20AM (South entrance to SandFest)
The number of competition plots are limited to the size of the amateur area. Registration will end when the competition area is full or the deadline date.
Guppy: 5'x5'
Youth: 5'x5'
Teen & Adult Solo: 8'x8'
Teen & Adult Teams: 12'x12'
Water will be provided on a limited basis through tankards and troughs in the event area. Contestants are encouraged to bring barrels and buckets to gather water from these sources, as needed.
Allowed/ Not Allowed
Family, Teen and Adult category competitors will be permitted to bring in chairs and tents to set up in a designated area next to their plots.
Youth and Guppy category competitors are permitted to bring chairs and small shade items, such as umbrellas, to set up in the general parent sitting area.
All competitors will be provided a Cooler Pass. Competitors may bring snacks, food and beverages in their coolers.
All participants must check in prior to the contest time.
All work must be done within your designated plot.
Only sand from within designated plot may be used.
Decorative materials may be used, but all non-biodegradable items must be removed immediately after judging.
Nothing may be added to the sand except water (no paint, flour, sugar, cement, clay or adhesives, etc.)
Only registered participants are allowed inside plots.
No power tools may be used inside the plots.
Holes must be filled. Trash and equipment must be removed before the judging.
All forms must be removed after the contest is over. There will be a $200 clean-up fee assessed for non-removal.
Judging is based on:
Originality and imagination
Degree of technical difficulty
Artistic merit
Decisions of the judges are final
Winners will be announced at 5:00PM Saturday in the Entertainment Tent. Time is subject to change. Guppy & Youth competitors will have awards announced 15 minutes after competition in the Guppy & Youth area.
Texas SandFest is an outdoor event, located physically on the beach, and will happen rain or shine. There will be no refunds given because of inclement weather.
Contact the Texas SandFest Amateur Coordinator at amateur@texassandfest.org